Dr. Ir. Anne-Charlotte Dubbelman

Anne-Charlotte is a senior scientist at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) of Utrecht University. Her background is in (bio)analytical chemistry and method development for liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. After a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences for her work at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and a short time in the pharmaceutical industry, she worked for 8 years as a scientist in the group of Thomas Hankemeier in method development. Currently, in her position at IRAS, she co-leads the development and routine application of the global untargeted platforms and aims to bring the data output of the mass-spectrometric exposomics assays closer to the desired input for statistical and epidemiological analysis and biological interpretation.



The unique and large-scale open facility Exposome-Scan gives researchers from all over the Netherlands the opportunity to study the exposome. Anyone who submits a good research request will have access to the research facility and will be able to conduct research at Exposome-Scan at cost price. The facility in Leiden opens on 15 February 2024 and builds on the knowledge gained in the Exposome-NL and X-omics research programmes.

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